Mereka yg sentiasa comey...


Sunday, 1 April 2012

Country of LOVE...

C.A.N.A.D.A  =  Cute And Naughty, Action Describe Attractive

I.T.A.L.Y  =  I Trust And Love You

P.A.R.I.S   =  Personality And Reaction Is Sweet

L.I.B.Y.A   =  Love Is Beautiful, You Also

H.O.L.L.A.N.D  =  Hope Our Love Last And Never Die

kredit to Mr.Google n novelis gemersik kalbu...

Nota Jari : Masih dlm mood kerinduan...huuhuuu..

4 Jejari comey:

  1. Replies
    1. Malaysia belum terfikir lg..cuba cik adieb buat plak..hiihii...

  2. ohh ade jugak ye disebalik huruf huruf dalam nama negara tu.nice!

    1. aah...klu penah tgk citer n baca novel gemersik kalbu mesti perasan negara2 ni....sweet kan..hiihii..


Jejari anda memang comey...Tq sudi komen... (^__^)